Race Results
1.6km Junior event
1 Oliver Saville 7:09 1st boy
2 Ziggy Henry 7:10
3 Charlie Paton 7:20
4 Fraya Henry 7:32 1st girl
5= Oskar Morton 7:33
5= Tommy Cahir 7:33
7 James Lott 9:12 *
8 Cecile Watson 9:51
9 Samuel Lott DNF
*James Lott sacrificed his chance of a fast time after stopping to help his brother who had fallen and badly grazed his leg.
5.3km Senior event
1 Ben Martin 20:13 overall winner
2 Phil Robinson 23:13 1st vet man
3 Luke Borland 24:25 1st senior man
4 Will Watson 24:38
5 John Cahir 25:00
6 James Merceron 25:48
7 Eddie Winter 26:00
8 Christian Morton 26:31
9 Andrew Saville 27:06
10 Joe Rickards 27:14 1st junior boy
11 Lucy Lott 27:39 1st junior girl
12 Manny-Pinon Martinez 27:45
13 Henry Johnston-Ellis 27:51
14 Eva Johnston-Ellis 28:03
15 Terry Avey 28:32
16= Michael Ward 28:43
16= Jackie Webber 28:43 1st vet lady
18 Anna Norman 29:49 1st senior lady
19 Elizabeth Merceron 30:17
20 Joe Plant 30:45
21 Bridget Sealey 31:17
22 Elizabeth Cahir 32:27
23 Daniel Merceron 32:32
24 Emily Merceron 33:04
25 Roger Ockenden 33:15
26 Robert James 34:36
27= Andy McDonald 36:44
27= Sandra Coleman 36:44
29 Phil Boorman 39:10
30= Hilary Ward 39:47
30= Terry Ward 39:47
32= Maria Caulfield 52:40
32= Philip Ede 52:40
2015 Alfriston Watermeadows Fun Run
by C​asey Baumer​on September 04
The Alfriston Watermeadow Fun Run has become a key feature of the Alfriston Summer Festival weekend, organised once again this year by Seaford Striders whose motto is ‘​We don’t just run, we have fun’.​Saturday dawned brighter than forecast and for once looked like it was going to hold for the races. The Tye was packed with classic cars, families and stalls and the church bells were ringing out for a summer wedding. What a lovely atmosphere to send off the 40 + excited competitors, lined up in varying vintages of lycra including our very own Vicar Daniel Merceron and the MP for Lewes, Maria Caulfield.
The 1.6 km junior race set off at a great pace and was narrowly won by local boy Oliver Saville with a fantastic time. There were heartwarming stories of sportsmanship with James Lott sacrificing his own chances of a fast time to stop and help his brother and one very junior competitor who had been practicing for weeks and kept her family up all of Friday night with excitement, posting relatives around the course to make sure it was all captured on camera.
The 5.3 km senior race was won by 14 year old Ben Martin for the 2nd year running! All the runners, a number of them representing Seaford Striders, produced some great performances. There were more competitors this year with many signing up on the day, presumably after they had checked their weather apps.
So thank you to all, everyone who took part, the Events team for providing marshalls and the inimitable commentary of Sylvia Daw and the Seaford Striders for running and promoting the event. Basecamp Southdowns are delighted have been sponsors for 2015 and are looking forward to being involved next year. The senior race can hold up to 100 competitors so go find your running shoes and get training. If you are looking for inspiration to help you train or some running buddies, why not visit the seaford striders website. They are a club who offer anyone a warm welcome. Alternatively if you want to explore more of the Downs on foot contact Basecamp Southdowns.
In the meantime here are the results for each race so you know what to aim for next year.