Groups & Clubs in and around Alfriston

Alfriston Short Mat Bowls Club
Tel: 01323 871468 or 01323 871159
The Alfriston Short Mat Bowling Club was formed in November 1996 with one second-hand mat and 17 assorted woods, and a membership of around twenty (mostly complete beginners). Since that time the Club has bought two new mats and other equipment, and members have their own woods. We now have a limited membership of 25 of mixed ability, and beginners are very welcome.
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Alfriston & Cuckmere Valley Community Responders. We are a small team of volunteers trained by South East Coast Ambulance Service to be Community Responders.
Founded in January 2006. Our activities are financed by voluntary donations and our own fundraising efforts.
Our responders are contacted when there has been a 999 call for an ambulance, within our area. They genuinely save many lives by providing first response support for a variety of incidents, including:

Alfriston Bells
Saint Andrews Church
The Tye
East Sussex
The bells of Alfriston are rung from Saint Andrews Church on the Tye, with a central tower the bells are rung from the ground floor in the centre of the church, giving the congregation and visitors to the church a spectical to watch.
Ringing times:
Sunday 10.15am - 11.00am & Tuesday 7.15pm - 8.30pm

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Alfriston & District Amenity Society
Tel: 01323 870020
We aim to stimulate public interest and action in the preservation and promotion of the amenities and character of the district, and to further the welfare of the residents. We also organise various social events, including parties, outings and talks. In safeguarding our local amenities we make approaches to local or even national government and other bodies & authorities. We do not follow any political party line.
Please let us know if there is any issue that you feel that we should be pursuing.
Our elected committee meets monthly to discuss current issues and plan our programme of activities. We have current membership of around 150 households, drawn from the village and the surrounding area. A representative of ADAS attends the monthly Parish Council meeting and we regularly raise different matters with our Local Councils.

Alfriston Art Club
Tel: 01323 893292
The Alfriston Art Club was formed in 2001.On average twenty-six members meet Monday afternoons in the War Memorial Hall. During the Summer the programme also includes outdoor painting venues.
We have frequent workshops, demonstrations and life drawing classes. Every year, at the end of May, the Club holds its Exhibition and Sale of paintings in the Hall. We have large Exhibition boards that can be hired.

Royal British Legion
Alfriston and District
To join or support and participate in events run by the Royal British Legion contact Mr Ron Levett on:
Email: ronlevett@ronlevett.plus.uk
Tel: 01323 870819
In November we in Alfriston and the surrounding villages remember all those who have been killed or wounded since 1914. Our branch of The Royal British Legion has been well supported in the past by local people, for which we are very grateful.
We therefore ask all the local communities again this year to be generous when the Poppy Collection is being made.
The Alfriston & District Branch of the Royal British Legion is open to everyone who is interested in supporting this very important charity.

Alfriston Pre-School
War Memorial Hall
The Tye
East Sussex. BN26 5TL
Tel: 07812 335981
Email: info@alfristonpreschool.com
Alfriston Pre-School provides a warm, safe and stimulating environment where children feel safe, happy and confident in their surroundings. The Pre-School's aim is for the children in their care to have fun while learning and developing through play. We are open 38 weeks of the year, five mornings each week from 9am until 1pm. We welcome visits, please call to make an appointment.

The local amateur dramatic group for budding thespians, musicians and stagehands of all ages. For details of forthcoming performances and events, and information of how to become involved, please email us

Alfriston Cricket Club
The Recreation Ground
The Broadway
East Sussex
BN26 5XH
Tel: 01323 870270
The Alfriston Women's Institute has played an important role in village life since 1918.
There is an entertaining programme of speakers and 'hands-on' craft demonstrations and occasional outings to local places of interest.
We are a friendly group who always welcome new members – you do not have to make jam and there's rarely any singing.